An Hour of Coding

Dear Parents and Students: launches an annual Hour of Code as part of the Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek), a celebration geared to encourage interest in the field and show that anyone can learn the basics.  The Hour of Code is a self-guided activity that every student, in every classroom, can do. A variety of hour-long tutorials will be available for students to try out the basics of computer science.

St. Mary students from Kindergarten to 8th grade participate every year. Students will work with partners and use the links below to choose the module they would like to work on.

Kodable (K - 8th)

Lightbot (K - 8th)

The Foos (K - 5th)

Tynker (K - 5th)

Scratch (K-8th)

Scratch Jr IPAD App (1st-8th)  

Hopscotch IPAD App  (3rd-8th)

Lightbot IPAD App (1st-8th)